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    VIGANONLINE.COM is a community service website created to publish all possible information about the City of Vigan and Metro Vigan on the Internet from goverments agencies, business establishments, non-government organizations, professional and technical individuals and all possible tourists needs from accommodation, food, tour destinations and tourist activities in Vigan as if it were a digital city.

    Inspired by the millions of votes from around the world to put Vigan on the list of the Seven Wonders Cities of the World, viganonline.com was proposed, designed, developed and launched by Rodones "Don' Ramos as a Capstone Project for Master in Information Technolgy (MIT) a Graduate Program of Saint Louis University, Baguio City.

    The contents of Viganonline can be posted by anybody. However, the veracity of the data is first checked by an editor and approved by the editor-in-chief before it is published in the internet. This is to make sure that only true and accurate information and legitimate business data are presented in the webpage. No misleading information, no hoax and no fraud.

    The content development and mananagement of viganonline is overseen by volunteers. A volunteed could be a Biguenio or any person from other places who in oneway or the other have been touched by Vigan like someone who studied in Vigan, worked in Vigan, lived in Vigan or a person who likes, cares or fell in love with Vigan. Volunteers are also subject to verification and approval.

    Viganonline.com is also intended as a community research website. The website domain can be used by graduate or under graduate researchers to host their ICT Capstone Project especially web based system application. The project will be hosted under a sub domain in viganonline.com. The website can also be used by teachers to train students to gather, verify and publish information. It can also be used by anybody to publish study or research pictures, created videos and/or recipies as long as it is related to Vigan. All these are also subject for verification and approval.

    To be sustainable and continously provide quality service over the years viganonline.com will solicit more volunteers and will accept donations, advertisements, corporate webhosting under viganonline.com sub domain, web development projects and ecommerce services.